Thank you for visiting our site, this site is dedicated to all things trisomy, including any and all trisomy (9,13,18,etc)(P,Q,full,M etc) On this site you will find information on trisomy of all different kinds! We got the idea to create this site after our Kaylee was born with Trisomy 9M, and I was looking online to purchase some type of jewelry in which the money would be donated to Trisomy awareness! In looking I found one site with some nice jewelry, but it was around $100.00 for one bracelet, plus shipping? WoW! We are lucky to have military insurance so any and all meds Kaylee was on, as well as bills were all 100% paid,but MOST people are NOT that lucky! Wouldn't it be nice to have something AFFORDABLE!! YES IT WOULD!! So, I decided to take this venture upon myself and donate the money to trisomy awareness to our friends at S.O.F.T.!
So, feel free to browse around the different pages I have created and check out the bracelets !!
About US The whole story!!
S.O.F.T. Organization